

Our trained specialist personnel, located near the port, pack containers of all types. In our container freight handling center, we make sure that your cargo is appropriately loaded or discharged for import or export. Ksl sourced high-value securing equipment ensures that goods stowed reach their destination undamaged. Processing goods, order-picking, palletizing or shrink-wrapping are, of course, our typical jobs. Necessary customs inspections are supported by our personnel, packaging is opened as requested and re-sealed in preparation for shipping.

Fcl containers that are due for customs inspection are prepared by our staff. Each shipment is separated into individual customs positions and after successful inspection put back into the containers. Temporary storage of full containers as well as handling, using our reach-stackers, is no problem for us.

Optimizing the use of your containers and proper handling of dangerous goods is one of our services often used by our customers. In addition using our it system, we can organize timely connection to any goods management system and can optimize the interfaces with support from our it personnel.

Container trucking including authorised processes for over height / overweight loads, are of course one of our tasks to complete order processing.

  • Mixed Consignment Container / Lcl
  • Loading And Unloading Containers
  • Container Depots For Well-Known Shipping Lines
  • Handling / Heavy Loads Handling
  • Customs clearance